Tuesday, November 20, 2012


This will be my last post maybe, V.I.P? Yes! BIGBANG!

 (Seungri XD)
(GD~~~~~~~~~ )


Still the same, who's your idol? GD is mine~ 

-YuLi Elite a.k.a Sherly Wijaya-


Last post is about 2NE1, So let's go to MBLAQ now!

MBLAQ : Music Boys Live in Absolute Quality
Members :
  • Yang Seung Ho (Leader)
  • Jung Byung Hee (G.O)
  • Lee Chang Sun (Joon)
  • Park Cheondung (Thunder)
  • Bang Mir (Mir)

 (Seungho - Mir - Joon - Thunder - G.O)

Same question, who's your idol? I like THUNDER the most!

-YuLi Elite a.k.a Sherly Wijaya-

Black Jack

IDK What to post today, so boring, so I decided to post about '2NE1'

 (Bom - Dara - Minzy - CL)
 (Bom - Dara - CL - Minzy)
 (Minzy - Bom - Dara - CL)
 (CL - Minzy) (Bom - Dara)

 (Minzy - Bom - CL - Dara)
(Dara - Bom - Minzy - CL)

Who is your idol? I like Dara!

-YuLi Elite a.k.a Sherly Wijaya-

Monday, November 19, 2012

Edward and Bella

Hey there! After posting my new post called "Breaking Dawn Part II", I decided to draw them!

 (Ups, sorry)
What do you think?

-YuLi Elite a.k.a Sherly Wijaya-

Breaking Dawn Part II

Hey! Have you watched Breaking Dawn Part 2?

Last Sunday, I've just watched it and it's so WOW!

 (Edward - Bella)

(Edward's and Bella's daughter)

OMG! Their daughter is so cute!

Well, the story is about Their newborn daughter. Everyone afraid that their daughter is immortal! Because an immortal people, when they've grown later, they can't be restrained. So they wanted to kill their daughter. Wanna know what happen next? Watch now!

-YuLi Elite a.k.a Sherly Wijaya-


It's so boring when my modem is broken, so I started to draw something and I'm here to show you

Which do you think is the best?

-YuLi Elite a.k.a Sherly Wijaya- 

500 Blog Hits

Yey! Finally! 500 blog hits!

Thanks so much guys!

-YuLi Elite a.k.a Sherly Wijaya- 

Happy Birthday Grace

Last Friday, 16th November 2012, was Grace 16th birthday! Aaw! I miss her so much!

Here is a picture taken years ago when I was still at Indonesia and when we were at Junior High School First Year

Happy Birthday Grace! (Sorry Late x-x)

-YuLi Elite a.k.a Sherly Wijaya-


Hey guys! Long time no post! well, my modem was having problem but it's fine now

Well, do you guys know 'peace'? Well, here, 'peace' is a symbol of something. And it's so popular now, people make it as a bracelets, necklaces, rings and even earrings!

Do you have one like that too? want to have? try to find! ^_^

-YuLi Elite a.k.a Sherly Wijaya-

Sunday, November 11, 2012


Hey there!

I've done with my new image, I've just edited.

So they are some of my lovelies, I love them so much! Don't wanna lose them!

If you are one of them, comment XD

-YuLi Elite a.k.a Sherly Wijaya-

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Ask Me?

Hey there! I've just made a Formspring account!

You can ask everything about me here

Ask and I will answer!

-YuLi Elite a.k.a Sherly Wijaya-

403 Blog Hits


I think I've just posted the 300 Blog Hits post yesterday.

And today, I found 403 Blog Hits! WoW! This blog got more than 100 Hits a day LOL!

Thanks so much guys! Keep visiting this blog!

-YuLi Elite a.k.a Sherly Wijaya-


Want diary like this?

It's easy to get this kind of diary / book!

First, you need a book.

Next, find a poster / you can print it. 

Last, put it as your cover! Done!

Good Luck!

-YuLi Elite a.k.a Sherly Wijaya-

Girl will be Girl

Hey again! 

I've just done with my new art!

  (Click to enlarge)

What do you think? Ikr, so ugly.

-YuLi Elite a.k.a Sherly Wijaya- 


Well, I created new group on Ameba Pigg so you guys can join

You can search 'Lollipop' and join!

Come on! All of you may join!

-YuLi Elite a.k.a Sherly Wijaya-

Thanks Love

I joined Åšcαrlétté x Åšcαrlitá's Giveaway few days ago

And just now they announced the winners!

Yeah! I'm one of the winners!

Aaw! Thanks so much! Love it!

-YuLi Elite a.k.a Sherly Wijaya-
P.S : Please like their fanpage, maybe you will be the next winner of their giveaway!


Hey there!

Yesterday, I bought a box of Strawberry.. Hmmm.. Yummy~

Strawberry anyone?

Strawberry is my fav fruit~

What about yours?

-YuLi Elite a.k.a Sherly Wijaya-

1 Month Anniversary


Yesterday, 8th of November 2012 was our (JJ & My) first month anniversary.

Well, just now, one of my friends sent me a picture. Here is it

Aaw~ Thanks so much! I love it!

-YuLi Elite a.k.a Sherly Wijaya-

Love Kitty

I really dont know why, I really love Rainbow and Hello Kitty these few days

Oh God, I think I'm crazy huh?

Edited for my fanpage's Profile Picture.

And this one is the banner

You can check my page here, don't forget to like!

-YuLi Elite a.k.a Sherly Wijaya-

Friday, November 9, 2012



Idk why I'm in love with Rainbow these few days, you can see, my new banner, it's rainbow.

You can see that, LoL! Ikr, I can't edit, so I'ts ugly.

-YuLi Elite a.k.a Sherly Wijaya-

300 Blog Hits

Finally~ 300 blog hits!

Aaw~ Thanks so much guys!

-YuLi Elite a.k.a Sherly Wijaya-

Happy or Sad

Hey there! How are you?

Pico will closed very soon *sigh*, 17 December 2012. Sometimes I feel like, why this game must be closed? People started to play pico and make them earn more money everyday! But who knows, maybe they are having problems. I'm just wishing this game will back soon, b'cuz I've used half of my money there T^T

So I'm happy because my pet on pico (Lollipop) have learned new action! "On Your Head"

OMG, How cute she is

So this is my post about Happy or Sad, You know, I'm happy cuz of my pet and I'm sad cuz of Pico 

-YuLi Elite a.k.a Sherly Wijaya- 

Loving You

Hello! Long time no post! I'm so busy in real and today I've just got my report

So today I'm just going to share my drawing and some pictures of me advertising snacks.. kkkk~

 (Ikr so ugly >w<)

 (Hello Kitty Roll)

(Sour Bom)

Thanks a lot to Nicholas for teaching me how to play guitar~

It's night here, Good Night!

-YuLi Elite a.k.a Sherly Wijaya-